Yule is soon approaching and during this time I find myself with one foot in the past. I remember my parents, grandparents, and all of my family and friends that are kept safe in my heart and alive in my memories. I've had a charmed life. Not because of money, or homes, or cars, or things...but because of people. Always knowing I've been loved and appreciated has been the true treasure in my life.
My blog for December is simple. I wish for all of you this kind of life. Years filled with memories that make you smile and sometimes laugh out loud. Hugs that last a few seconds longer, a call when you need it the most, or someone who is content to just sit by your side. A life of moments to carry you through the hard times and reassure you that someone, somewhere, is always on your side.
Happy Hanukkah, Merry Yuletide, Merry Christmas, and a Blessed Kwanzaa!