Hello my fellow book enthusiasts! I hope your summer is starting out on a positive note and you're enjoying the warmer weather. I personally am holding my breath. Vegas hasn't been too bad yet, I think the highest our thermostat has climbed is 96°. However, I know those triple digit days are just around the corner and I swear my body stiffens every time I think about it.
It's going to be a fairly busy few months with book signings. I decided to primarily sign with Coffee House Tours and not schedule too many individual appearances. I enjoy the day of sharing time with my fellow authors and having the variety of genres available for readers. It's fun!
I'm also excited to share the news that the second edition of Alex McKenna & The Geranium Deaths, will be coming out this October! CJM Publishing has been professional and yet welcoming to me with these titles that are so close to my heart. I'm excited to see the little changes when I get edits, and I'm impatiently anticipating the new cover. I know with them it will be brilliant. Switching gears, I just found out last night that our short film, Alex & Margaret's Beginning, is an official entry in the 8 & Halfilm Awards. This means that our project received a very high score from our jury and is eligible for award consideration.

If you're looking for something to do this Saturday evening, check out Coffee House Tours first Boozy Bookfest! Tickets are limited so call today to reserve your spot. Thank you to Miss Phoebe's Eatery for hosting this special gathering of authors and for supplying the wonderful Tapas plate & glass of Wine, Cocktail, or Beer, you will receive with your admission ticket.

Finishing out the month of June for signings, catch Stephen Murray & me at Skimos!

I hope you all have a lovely June!