Let me start by saying this is not my usual read. I enjoy the paranormal and a bit of sci-fi, and most of the time I stick to books in those genres. However, I found myself being drawn in by the blurb and loving the cover so I thought I'd give it a try.
To say that I was riveted would be an understatement. Once I started on this journey with Thia and Jinaari, I was in for the entire ride. The world building by this author is amazing, and the story flowed with such ease that I found myself gliding through the pages with no interruption or stumbling.
The details were not overly flowered, rather just enough to allow the reader to fully immerse themselves in the characters. I especially enjoyed the banter between Jinaari and Thia, it made their relationship feel real and genuine. I look forward to the rest of this series and more of K.M. Warfield's vividly created characters.